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adhdferret3 karma

Great ama I read most of them just never wanted to ask anything till now (still in lurker stage).

Why study these virus and not others is there a reason like you wanted to only deal with the two you named or was that assigned to you.

Also why not study ones that are more prevalent and dangerous as far as outbreak in population.

Lastly maybe you can answer does bsl labs help to make the flu vaccine and if so how the hell do they do it

adhdferret2 karma

I heard somewhere they get the flu vaccine from 3rd world countries and make it from there lol

Thanks for the answer and sounds like a lot of paperwork and documentation also does it ever just make you stop and think man this small amount in this petri dish can kill me

adhdferret2 karma

Do you as a professional in this field of study think that people need meds more then educated on how to deal with their disorder thru normal means?

I ask cause I was diagnosed in middle school with adhd when it was popular. I felt better when I was off rittilin and mythaliphid what ever it was called. I as a human being was never educated nor were my parents about how to deal with it. We learned together.

I agree with the guy that said most people in your field are egotistical and I also belive they force diagnosis with big words and fancy pictures. I am not saying you do but never respected this profession.

I do however find it appauling that you would write the things you did in your intro. How can you be taken seriously?

adhdferret1 karma

I was wondering why if you may know I get that goddamn hold put on me every time I was on submarines for 7 years and was told it was cause my secret clearance is there a way to fix this

Was once told of some number I could apply to get but even that takes a month to hash out

Thanks in advance

adhdferret1 karma

How can a disorder have a period of dormancy if it was real?