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adaml112 karma

This is a controversial topic that I have wanted to hear a specialist speak about for some time now, please if you could give me your opinion or your findings pertaining to my question that would be great. Thank you for doing this AMA-

I just recently took an environmental engineering class and did some lengthy research on nuclear power plants across the globe and why certain countries use them for energy and others don't. I was wondering if you could explain what kind of a transition, if any, the US (and other countries) are making towards incinerators in place of nuclear power plants. Also, I was wondering what your opinion on incinerators as a source of local power and waste removal, compared to the power output and risk that is involved in nuclear power plants. It seems to me like the US is heavily invested in nuclear power over incinerators and no change is in site, but I am not sure if there is good reasoning for this or if it is just political, because my research seems to point towards incinerators as the best form of local power/heat along with waste removal

adaml111 karma

I have a few questions for you kind sir,

1) How much pressure was there from your superiors for high conviction rates and fast convictions? (How much evidence was enough evidence)

2) In your time in this area of the government, which of the following did you witness occurring (more than one can apply):

  • Corruption from higher-ups
  • Corruption from Co-workers
  • Less Corruption than when you began working
  • More Corruption than when you began working
  • Crimes becoming more gruesome
  • Crimes becoming less gruesome
  • More faith in humanity
  • Less faith in humanity

adaml111 karma

Thanks for the reply! I'm sure there are some things you cannot really talk about so I appreciate you trying to do your best. Keep your faith!

adaml111 karma

Mr. Mayor,

I first want to say thank you very much for doing this AMA. It is great to know that our city has somebody in power that knows how to connect himself to the community and get people voices heard. I would like to add that a lot of people here on reddit are informed, motivated, and reasonable people. I hope you continue to have an open relationship with us for anything you want to address. The internet is a powerful place and I am very happy to see that you realize this.

My only question to you- Where do you see the city of Boston being 4 years down the road from now pertaining to marijuana? More specifically, with more and more states passing legislation for medical marijuana uses and recreational uses of marijuana, I feel that it is an impending realization that it will eventually become completely legal. Do you intend to impede this process as much as you can? Or will you help put into motion what seems to be already happening elsewhere?

Thank you for your time and efforts thus far, keep up the good work!