Highest Rated Comments
adamjkurtz9 karma
alanis morissette is a personal hero of mine & it's been so cool being able to share some of what i do with her? it started in a tweet at her years ago & then later she followed me on instagram. she's helped me with her music & knowing she believes in me & this new book just means the world to me! lmao i'm such a fan boy but ok it's fine nbd.
adamjkurtz6 karma
lmao honestly that's not a bad idea???? v "on brand" for me.
adamjkurtz6 karma
honestly i only started "being me" as a full time business two years ago. i didn't have time to do both. working harder has helped me with the money stuff. i mean i'm just doing more! but nothing is forever? i'm not convinced that this is actually a viable "career path" necessarily.
adamjkurtz5 karma
you are the glue! be your own best brand. & quitting is hard... i had day jobs while doing most of my thing. quit when you can afford to? idk
adamjkurtz14 karma
lmao yeah, fuck that
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