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aclockworkgreen1464 karma

How can we take the information in your new book seriously, when you make outrageous claims about Area 51 and Syrian musicians testing terror attacks? In your last book you claimed that the Roswell incident was a Soviet built circular craft that contained children surgically-altered by former Nazi's. You said post crash it was then moved to Area 51 for storage. People like Eva Mozes Kor, survivor of childhood Nazi experiments, do not appreciate you linking the worst moments of their life with bullshit UFO stories. Furthermore you did not ask any of the former Area 51 pilots and workers to verify this and you have sullied their reputation. Then before that you claimed Syrian musicians were practicing bomb making on Northwest flight 327. This was later proven to be a figment of your wild imagination. How is one expected to believe you have any journalistic integrity left at this point?

aclockworkgreen18 karma

Wow, this is just like a Woody Harrelson AmA.

aclockworkgreen14 karma

Have a look at /r/specialaccess.

aclockworkgreen13 karma

There are plenty of people like TD Barnes and Ed Lovick that did a lot of incredible work at Area 51 that is still under a non disclosure agreement. Annie Jacobsen thinks they are merely pawns to use in selling pulp alien bullshit.

These and many other gentlemen WILL die before all of their work is declassified. The only fate worse than not getting any recognition for your work is getting it after you're dead and people thinking your work was illegitimate because of urban legends.