Highest Rated Comments

ac13332223 karma

Do you feel that the issue of climate change has been ignored (deliberately) by people who you worked with/for that know the long term dangers of it?

ac1333281 karma

I'm sure you've thought of this, but different cooking techniques will give different flavours. I bet you're an expert in cooking pork chops to perfection!

I assume that means you can use pork fat as a cooking ingredient for frying etc?

ac133323 karma

I would love to be a scientific advisor/researcher on projects like yours. From an academic stance I'd say I'm in a good position as I have a PhD in Veterinary Science and BSc in Biology and Environmental Science. I have also worked around the world, including with species like Orangutans. However, I completely appreciate that documentary research is a different ball game.

Therefore, what steps would you suggest I could take towards eventually becoming involved in the fantastic work that you and your peers do?

ac133322 karma

What country (or if you can't say, region) is this? I'm curious given the surroundings and the extent to which you're equipped and armed.

ac133322 karma

The feedback for activities is obviously in your mind so might not be correct. Let's say it's a golf shot, you'll mentally practice a technique which works great in the dream but could be completely wrong in the real world, you may end up engraining that wrong technique I should think.