Highest Rated Comments

abhimir3 karma

I am from the state of Orissa, India. Kalinga was the ancient name of my state. So reading in the summary of your novel that a character from Kalinga was in Sri Lanka was a little surprising initially, till I remembered that during my visit to Angkor Vat (which shows influences from Orissa) last year I read about rulers from Kalinga being maritime powers during that time and colonizing parts of South East Asia. So I guess people from Kalinga went to Sri Lanka too.
My question is, did you find any sources about what was the character Kalinga Magha upto before he landed in Sri Lanka? Also any other good reference source to learn more about Kalinga, the state, in that period?

abhimir3 karma

Thanks for the reply and the recommendation. I just bought River of Ink on Kindle. I cannot wait to start it. The last novel I read was Cuckold by Kiran Nagarkar, another historical fiction, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Look forward to the River of Ink.