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_____D34DP00L_____556 karma

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Welp, hello Australia

_____D34DP00L_____262 karma

'Vladimir have you seen Scott?'

'He hid the vodka. I knocked him out and ejected him out of the airlock'

'Chyort! Have you found the vodka yet?'

_____D34DP00L_____170 karma

It's rare yet admirable to see people admit that they simply don't know. It's a far better response than bullshitting a forced 'Yes' or 'No'.

_____D34DP00L_____122 karma

There's like a billion Mosin Nagants, though.

_____D34DP00L_____37 karma

my guess is that the army might've been operating in their area, and they took the Americans as hostages to use as a pawn in making a deal between the US govt. and Kirghistani govt. to keep those soldiers out of those mountainmen's land.

Just a shot in the dark, but it seems to make sense.