Highest Rated Comments

_TorpedoVegas_60 karma

Trivia point: Army Special Forces teams are usually about 13 men, work each having a specialty like Weapons, Engineer, Medic, Communications, Intel etc... The "medic" 18D is technically not a medic, but a Special Forces Medical Sergeant. This tiny classification change is enough to allow SF Med Sgts to be offensive combatants (sniper, assaulter, whathaveyou)

_TorpedoVegas_43 karma

Thanks for what you have done for internet privacy, we all owe you.

What do you say to people that don't see the value in privacy, who want to prohibit encryption so that we might catch criminals?

_TorpedoVegas_29 karma

I don't understand what the perceived "danger" of a drug has to do with whether we should lock people up for it. Alcohol is arguably more dangerous and destructive than heroin for many people, and cigarettes not only kill the smoker but increase cancer risks for everyone around the smoker. But these drugs are legal to this day.

I don't know how we normalized this tyranny, I never gave up my sovereignty of my own body. I wouldn't call myself a Libertarian, but this is one issue where I see pretty eye-to-eye with them. Spending huge taxpayer money to investigate and prosecute nonviolent drug dealers and users, and then turning around and spending even more taxpayer money to incarcerate these people and ruin their chances at a normal life, how did we ever convince ourselves that was ok? And yet here we are, 2020, and still most people still say things like "wait, even heroin?".

I get it, heroin and meth and crack don't usually lead to good things for people. But adults can do what they damn well please with their own body, unless they are operating a vehicle or somehow directly putting others at risk. I feel like I am taking crazy pills

_TorpedoVegas_5 karma

You dangle that hook, and I'm biting. I would likely have bought the game anyway, but now it's a guaran-funking-tee. Thanks for being awesome!

_TorpedoVegas_3 karma

If you want to be an infantryman in the 75th and you can type your way though that post without an open dictionary on your lap, I imagine you will score well enough.