Highest Rated Comments


What kind of boat do you live on?

Have you ever been recognized for your voice in the street, at the pub, etc?

How's your bookcase?


Would that be the Leeds and Liverpool Canal (if you are, as your website suggests, a Yorkshireman)?

I hate my own voice in recordings, I can't imagine what it must be like to have to hear it back all the time! I suppose you must be used to it now though?


I don't suffer hyperhydrosis, but I AM a very sweaty man - I've found odaban works a treat (though it did mean trimming my armpit hair for a pit).

You apply a little once every dew days and while it can be a little uncomfortable I'll be damned if that stuff didn't stop me freaking out about summer/clubbing while I was at uni!


I float around depending on what's going on in the area.

That's awesome! Seems like a pretty chilled type of living...I know a few boat people who all love it. How's the heating operated in a narrowboat situation?

Or me who criticizes each inflection

Seems like a common complaint among artists of any kind - you sound awesome though, I can only say keep up the good work!


What, in your opinion (unless there are facts to back it up with), is the biggest culprit/beneficiary of the outdoors watering?