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_GlblCtzn_880 karma

I think it's normal to question the world around us, however I think it's just plain irresponsible to dispute proven medical evidence and years and years of scientific research that prove time and time again that #VaccinesWork.

It's up to us as responsible global citizens to ensure we are educating people about the importance of receiving vaccinations. We live a global community with global travel - a vaccine preventable disease is just a plane ride away.

I always have time to educate anti-vaxers. I will always counter the anti-vax movement with patience, education on medical evidence that show vaccines work. If that doesn't work I show them my legs as a way to demonstrate that I live with the effects of a horrible vaccine preventable-disease (polio). The photos I get with notables like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (including a link above) help counter the anti-vax movement. As global citizens continue to elevate their voices anti-vaxers voices like Jenny McCarthy become quieter and quieter. This is why we must continue to elevate our collective voices that vaccines work.

_GlblCtzn_398 karma

If you didn't know, it's #WorldImmunizationWeek!

Vaccine-preventable diseases include: Cervical cancer, Cholera, Diphtheria, Hep B, Influenza, Japanese encephalitis, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Polio, Rabies, Rotavirus, Rubella, Tetanus, Typhoid, Varicella, Yellow Fever.

Mostly all of the anti-vaxers I have met aren't living with effects of the above mentioned diseases.

We're protected together, #VaccinesWork!

_GlblCtzn_119 karma

In 2002 I met my Birthmother Lakshmi for the first time in India, When I met her in person I said thank you for your selfless decision to give me up to an orphanage so I can have a healthier life and have the ability to walk.

In 2013 I had the opportunity to meet my Birth father, in both incidences they were full of tears of joy, happy and proud of the man I have become.

The roots of my past are truly deep in the present, I continuously reflect on how fortunate my life has turned out and the opportunities I have been given to help others.

_GlblCtzn_93 karma

I absolutely believe 100% that we can eradicate polio from the world. The task to eradicate the world's second disease from the world continues to be mind boggling, and daunting.

But just look how far we come. In 1988 Polio was endemic in 125 countries and it was estimated that there were 350,000 cases of polio annually worldwide.

Today thanks to the hard work of healthcare workers who risk their lives every day to provide the polio vaccine to the children of the world, efforts from Rotarians who volunteer their time to vaccinate children and generously donate to polio eradication as part of their Rotary International Polio Plus Campaign (since 1985), and the millions of actions my fellow Global Citizens are taking to ensure end polio efforts remain a top priority on Government agendas, we're now closer than ever to ending polio.

With your support and taking action we will be one step closer to eradicating this horrible disease.

_GlblCtzn_49 karma

Polio not only affected my legs and my ability to walk it affected my respiratatory system. By the age of 11 I had pneumonia 9 times as a result of polio scaring my lung tissue making my respiratory weaker. To this day I have shortness of breath, and a chronic cough.

Because my left leg has over compensated for the weakness of my right leg I'm starting to experience my pain and fatigue when walking. This summer I will be fitted with two long leg braces. But I have a strong positive attitude, and I'm just so happy I have access to rehabilitative supports know matter how my health condition changes due to post- polio syndrome.

There are places in our world where polio survivors continue to this day to crawl in dirt using sandals on their hands and tire pieces on their knees to get around their community as they don't have access to rehabilitation.