Highest Rated Comments

_BlueFire_92 karma

Since there are so many asking about untraceable fires I'll sk instead... What was the dumbest, "I can't believe some idiot could actually think this would have worked", insanely stupid, hilariously obvious, blatant attempt to do so (for whatever reason) you ever witnessed?

_BlueFire_4 karma

It's an entirely different field, the only common thing is electricity

_BlueFire_2 karma

Is there any significative hormonal change after a vasectomy? I'm seeing different answers all around and even being a pharm chemist I can get which ones are right. We don't really go deep on biology...

_BlueFire_2 karma

Thanks for the answer!

_BlueFire_1 karma

Will you ever release a downloadable high quality version of your videos (like upscaling to fullHD your older ones)? Even for sale, maybe divided by subject to make easier browsing them.

Also, how can someone offer their knowledge in a specific field?

Thank you anyway for everything to all the team, your channel is amazing!