Highest Rated Comments

Zolana16 karma

Sorry (not sorry) to steal you from your canapés FBG! Loved the game ever since I backed it on KS, and very much looking forward to playing the final version now.

Got a couple of questions that I've been meaning to ask:

  • I'm curious as to which locations are the team's favourites and why?

  • Will you be releasing a soundtrack of the game? Just seen your answer above :D

  • Would you consider a DLC where you explore the Elder Continent (using a special ship to go up the Darkgryphon Straits for example)? - Obviously excited for Zubmarines (and hopefully dirigibles too with any luck), but I've always been intrigued by the Elder Continent since exploring all the ports along the southern coast (absolutely loved the storylines in Varchas for example).

Zolana8 karma

The one that makes me grin and rub my thighs is the Dawn Machine.

It's probably the biggest mystery in the game! My poor captain will probably regret finding out more, especially after a reply like that :P!

One of them will emerge, much fatter than the others, belching and picking its teeth with the bones of the Diocesan Intrigue DLC.

Sounds delightfully delicious!

Zolana4 karma

That's very true, and the Chelonate is not somewhere I'd like to visit in reality either!

Irem is superbly written, and arguably the most intriguing place in the entire game! Personally for me, I thoroughly enjoyed the content in Varchas too, it's a really mysterious place with so many more questions.

In terms of real London, as a fellow Londoner, you're not the only one with complicated feelings about it!

Zolana4 karma

Who/what is/will be/was Salt?

What are the origins of Kingeater's Castle? Who built it, why, etc.?

Zolana3 karma

Exactly, it's such a love/hate relationship, and often swaps between the two through the course of a single day!

Ah nice, she did a great job with it!

Out of curiosity, is the Gelatinous Worm God likely to feature in game in CS? It seems almost a shame for it not to in a way!