Highest Rated Comments

Zeus1325793 karma

I'm actually gonna answer c for #3 and if I get it wrong I'm coming back here and down voting you. If it's right I'll give gold

Edit: I'll remember what the question is and look it up after test. Of course I will never discuss the multiple choice questions in accordance with all college board policies

edit 2: Im gonna raise the stakes. This will be have to done in july. (Though the original stays in place)


1- Two down votes

2- One down vote

3- Nothing

4- One gold

5- Two gold

Edit 3: following AP guild lines I will not discuss any multiple choice questions. But here's your gold

Edit 4: reddit charged me double and gave OP double gold. Oops

Zeus1325304 karma

but he's a president candidate, that can't happen

Zeus132588 karma

glad he was able to pose the video before dying

Zeus132522 karma

Asking the important questions

Zeus132521 karma

I find it amazing that more doctors don't get burned out

  • 4 years undergrad. (paying up to 60k a year)

  • 4 years medical student. (paying a lot a year)

  • Residency, which "pays" But not very much and call shifts seem miserable