Highest Rated Comments

Zer_0455 karma

My comment was deleted for not asking a question, so I’ll put it this way:

Will you continue to kick ass? Are you aware that you are inspirational? Do you know that we support you fighting for your child? Will you accept a compliment from another mom, that you are so pretty? Thank you for sharing.

Zer_0142 karma

Are there any photos that you were really proud of that didn’t get the attention/publishing/etc that you wish it had?

Zer_087 karma

My husband has it. Must go inspect his privates for polka dots. 'Connect tha dots, la la la la.'

Zer_09 karma


I think this person means contracting the B Simplex virus in your bloodstream and will it exhibits as genital or oral sores.

Never be afraid to ask a question about sex, especially when it’s to verified experts.

Zer_04 karma

I'm 33 and about to hit menopause. There is a simple blood test for this that I take every 6 months. Without insurance, it's a $75 test. Worth it.