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Zenoidan651 karma

Manager of a Strip Club here. Thing is, the entire business is based around "fantasy" and "sex." You cant have that environment without someone trying to get "handsY" from time to time. We have bouncers that watch for this, and of course the dancers are told to stay a certain distance from customer's, however things can do and still happen.

That said, we kick people out all the time for trying to get to handsy or for solicitation. I once had a customer actually call me over to his table to tell me he was upset because another customer would not sell him cocaine. So that being said you can only imagine what takes place on a daily basis.

When a dancer starts, especially a new girl that has never danced before I always give them the disclaimer about this business. We can only watch so much, and again things will happen. The reality of this business is you get naked in front of guys and dance for them. Someone, some day, is going to try and touch you. I dont condone it or want it to happen, but I can not be everywhere at once and neither can my bouncer's.