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Ymarksthespot8 karma

If I remember correctly from the interview I did with them, Michael Gerald said that Paul Zagoras (the guitarist) did the lion's share of the ladyfighting.

Ymarksthespot6 karma

I did an interview with some filmmakers who did a movie about him a few years ago, if anyone's interested in a quick primer lesson. http://ymarksthespot.com/2010/07/31/say-rah-discussing-the-daddy-of-rock-n-roll-with-the-directors-of-wesley-williss-joy-rides-2/

Ymarksthespot6 karma

Found the interview! From the introduction:

The hour around the patio table began as it ended, with a story about damage and cars. During a show night in La Crosse, a woman loaded on swears and hatred accosted the fair lads of Killdozer. As Michael Gerald, the band’s caustic mouthman told it, their second guitarist was forced to take drastic action.

Through this conversation, Killdozer members past and present drifted in and out, and at last I met Paul Zagoras, the author of this repercussion. Zagoras, who looks like Joe Mantegna’s “Airheads” stunt double, attempted to be diplomatic in his telling.

“As I remember it, there was quite an upset woman, coming down the street yelling at everyone. She started slapping people, including Michael. I got a little upset, and said something to the effect of, ‘Shut up, go home, and get on the Stairmaster.’ She was ready to take my advice but decided to turn around and try to slap me. And then we got the hell out of there.”

Zagoras’ version was incomplete, and Michael, as I’d find, would have no story halfway told. “You didn’t do anything to her?” he needled his bandmate.

“I avoided her attack,” Zagoras continued, without any visible resignation, “and negotiated her head into the back wheel well of our spare tire.”

Ymarksthespot5 karma

I'd have shit if Garbage played the Warehouse. My 15 year old boy self would probably have exploded with pubescent combustion if Shirley Manson so much as looked at me.

Ymarksthespot5 karma

Because 95.7 doesn't rock. It's a premature oldies station for metalheads.