Highest Rated Comments

YellowTango58 karma

How do you film for example inside an ant colony? I've always wondered how you guys manage to film with such detail inside tiny environments.

YellowTango17 karma

I really have the perception that the world is more dangerous than it probalby actually is.

YellowTango11 karma

I work with multinational companies in Europe to implement data protection legislation. Most of our clients roll out a global privacy policy based on the GDPR instead of only applying the rules in Europe. The GDPR is already having a major extraterritorial effect imo.

YellowTango2 karma

It's just that you'd think something would change in the mentality of the NYPD and DA after such a case, seeing on how many levels they all fucked up. It's probaly just me being very naive.

YellowTango2 karma

Have you ever run into any civil law? If so what is your opinion on civil law from a comparative point of view