Highest Rated Comments

Yazim177 karma

"Panda" was the name of a series of major changes that Google rolled out last year regarding how it ranks websites. This removed a lot of "spammy" site and generally benefited "legitimate" sites.

In this context, "getting panda'd" generally means being penalized for spamming or trying to game Google's ranking system.

Yazim100 karma

Dang, any chance for an Android version in the near future?

If so (or if not) can you draw me a Batman Android?

Yazim24 karma

Haha, that's awesome! But does that mean we'll see an Android version of the app someday? It looks amazing

Yazim22 karma


Yazim9 karma

A few questions:

  • After you left, have conditions gotten better at the prison?
  • You said you are afraid to go to OK. Have you received direct threats, or do you just expect that they'll skip the step of "formal notice?" :P
  • Don't prisons have some check against routine abuse? How did they avoid scrutiny?