Highest Rated Comments

Yazbremski84 karma

I want to piggy back off this. I bounced for a year in college and you're not really able to tell if people are drugged since most people are getting absolutely shit faced. However, the bouncers I worked with would always pay attention to situations in which people left. If there was a shifty dude basically carrying a chick out, one of us would ask if they were okay and needed a cab or anything. I only ever saw 1 woman roofied and after me and another bouncer inquired about her the dude ended up leaving her on a bench outside and "going to get his car." Guy never came back. Not sure what other clubs are like but being a good bouncer is about being observant.

Yazbremski69 karma

Is it b/c of concussions?

Yazbremski59 karma

Has a housewife ever tried to seduce you?

Yazbremski3 karma

Seriously, will you just run for fucking office already? I don't even care which one! The political world needs JON STEWART!!

Yazbremski3 karma

I was a bouncer in the US in college and we'd take the ID's and put them up on a wall by the door as a Wall Of Shame. Never gave it to the cops but it was in 2000 so I guess times are different eh?