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YJCH0I15 karma

I've read online that certain elements of House MD were affected by real life events (e.g. [SPOILER ALERT] Kutner in season 5 because Kal went to work for White House)

What alternate story arcs did you have in mind had they been available? Or is the way it aired what you would have had happen anyways?

YJCH0I14 karma

How do you think the education system could better prepare kids to be stock-literate as grownups?

- A stock-owning stock-illiterate 30 year old

YJCH0I6 karma

I particularly enjoyed House's voice in that scene from "A Pox on Our House" where he says "Uh, listen, I'm a screenwriter, and is it theoretically possible for smallpox to survive for more than 200 years underwater in a sealed glass jar?"

YJCH0I3 karma

Shouldn't Girlhood be next?

YJCH0I1 karma

I see (thanks for the reply!). So there were no "alternate endings" you had that were scrapped due to the obligations?