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Xx69JdawgxX31 karma

I should have stated I'm an ex heroin addict. I also lost my cousin a couple years ago to this as well. We were all extremely compassionate with him but he kept stealing from us til we had no choice to turn our back.

Getting hooked on a cheap drug like heroin that gets exponentially more expensive every time you use is the problem I'm seeing. Let's forget the cutting and overdosing for now. How do you even afford this unless you make serious $? If you're addicted and not willing to quit regardless of the reason you will find a way to get your fix. I don't see legalizing solving this problem

Crime like stealing is overwhelmingly a crime of desperation/need. Drug addicts that are pushed to the fringe of society without support then tend to be forced to commit crimes to support their drug habits due to the expense but also the desperation to continue.

Also I want to say just being addicted to heroin is need / desperation enough to steal. You don't need to be pushed from society to get dope sick

Xx69JdawgxX18 karma

If we provide a safe supply and regulated drugs people would have no need to steal but of course I empathise with those affected

What makes you feel this way? I'm not convinced that legalizing it would stop people from stealing.

Xx69JdawgxX7 karma

Here in California we legalized weed. I know it's not the same as heroin. But our price of weed went up for legal stuff bc it's tested regulated etc. While the black market is still thriving by avoiding taxes and testing. It's certainly not dirt cheap either

Xx69JdawgxX3 karma

Yet that same 13 year old almost ended another's life. Prison isn't about rehabilitation its about punishment too.

Xx69JdawgxX2 karma

Dude is legit running from questions.