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XinuBakeki24 karma

There are many animals that just come out of the forest and lives in the villages. In this area I know of this parrot, a tapir and a boa constrictor. They have as much freedom as the humans in the villages and kinda does what they want. This parrot was hanging from the roof, biting anyone who came close. That applied to everyone, except one shaman who had the parrot climping on him, listening to him sing.

XinuBakeki23 karma

I can neither dispute or confirm that, but I would think that would be two very different thing. One focusing on living in the present, partying all night long. The other focusing on spiritual strenghtening and improving, meditation beyond the unmastered minds limits.

XinuBakeki22 karma

I do not consider any of the natural medicines and the spiritual aids of the indigenous people as drugs, but I have participated in many rituals and ceremonies.

XinuBakeki17 karma

Scandinavian languages, English, Spanish, Portuguese and learning Hatxa Kuin, the native language of the Huni Kuin people.

XinuBakeki14 karma

They redefined the word cold to say the least, but we always had layers upon layers when we went out. At one point actually, we bathed in a lake at 2-3 celcius. They are a really tough people, and often seemed to care less about the cold than me.