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XiggiSergei34 karma

This. I have Cerebral Palsy so the musculoskeletal correlations may be different for me but as soon as I feel that sensation of tightness in my neck and an "air bubble" pressure feeling building in the base of my skull, I know I'm in for it. I've got to take anti nausea meds and my migraine meds as soon as possible (both prescription; ondansetran and rizatriptan), hop in a hot shower in a dim bathroom and pray. I tend to get sick with my migraines and throwing up during it is a hell of a feedback loop. If I push through it, it's orders of magnitude more hellish. I've deliriously begged my spouse for a crowbar before to relieve that base of the skull pressure. I wouldn't wish migraines on anyone, and when I started getting them as a teen my dad said "kids don't get headaches" so there were many years of being untreated.

XiggiSergei3 karma

You would be surprised how many cases that test can miss. My curve evens out when I bend over; I'm almost on the median line in terms of left/right when x-rayed head on, but the lumbar spine collapses in at the hips when I stand, pressing in on the abdominal cavity. My hips almost touch the bottom of my ribs and it's fucking weird. Wasn't always that bad, so I imagine without my cerebral palsy one could have missed it.

XiggiSergei2 karma

Came here specifically to see if any of my fellow wiggly-spined comrades had talked to you about this. I'm currently 20 and sitting at about 27° in the lumbar region, because of cerebral palsy and a ridiculous case of spasticity (muscle cramps forever and way too many muscle tears and strains, yay!). Yoga and cannabis products have made my quality of life a fuck ton better; I can actually eat, even with muscle relaxers and spasticity deciding to play tug of war with my organs and my spine trying to push the lot through my abdominal wall. I've had opiates and consider them a fucking blessing, but I'm still fighting for a decent script (they tried me on tramadol and it hasn't done shit).

XiggiSergei1 karma

Hear, hear. They gave me a small script and of course it was enough to make me sick when I ran out and the orthopedic office decided to dilly dally on a signed re-supply. No thank you. They had tried me on Lyrica/Pregabalin for nerve pain but that had no noticeable effect and made me feel weird, so seeing that you're on Cymbalta is interesting enough that I'm likely going to mention it when I go into my neurologist's next and see what she thinks :)

As for the attitude it's kind of all I've got haha. I was diagnosed in April of '97, a few months before I turned two. I have somehow miraculously managed to narrowly avoid surgery thus far, but it's on the horizon. I was told at my last set of x-rays that my left ankle has collapsed in almost completely and I'll absolutely need pins within ten years, and they're tossing around clipping a few muscles that cause the majority of my mobility issues before I get too old in hopes they can heal less tightly, at which I decided I wanted to go home and have a drink. I think the surgery gods visit us all eventually.

XiggiSergei1 karma

I laughed out loud at that. My partner is an aerospace engineer in-training with aspirations in the vein of building orbital equipment, so he makes cracks about making me a Borg and moving the family to orbit so I don't have to deal with gravity lol