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Xeo255 karma

Hey Sam! It's Oren Cohen, the blogger :)

I have so many questions to ask but I'll ask the most important one: How do we help Dropout aside from staying subscribed? I feel like more can be done to bring in more subscribers.

(Doing my best with interviewing your cast members but I'm only one person haha)

Xeo253 karma

Hey Trapp! How’s it going? It’s Oren Cohen the blogger :) Just wanted to jump in here and ask where can we catch you these days outside Um Actually?

Xeo252 karma

It’s my pleasure and my honor. Thanks, Sam :) Expect an email sometime soon after the Jewish holidays ;)

Xeo251 karma

Hey Rick and Shane! It’s Oren Cohen the blogger. Seeing as Dropout is now doing an auction for ACoC minis, and Coffin Run featured lots of new minis, has anything changed in the way you approach minis production now post Talespire and roll20 seasons?