Highest Rated Comments

Wyliecody173 karma

Hey jocko, first thank you for sharing what you know and how you go about things. My question is simple, have you gotten any blow back from the seal community for your book or podcast? When are you gonna go talk to Joe Rogan again?

Wyliecody96 karma

If it's seasonal why quit your full time job? Could you just take time off, like of leave of absence or do it on the side? Then you have more money's.

Wyliecody11 karma

Awesome, glad to hear. Once again, I appreciate it, I hear your voice in my head when I want to make an excuse for something I should own. It’s weird.

Wyliecody10 karma

whoa, out of my league. I buy 100 bag newmans own organic black tea for like 4 buck. so way to spendy for me even if its the best tea ever.

Wyliecody10 karma

all the questions I have but I didnt look at the site. dont want to look now if the tea is that spendy. I assume its tea for millionaires by your comment.