Highest Rated Comments

WyldWyldStallyns33 karma

I think he said in another comment he's still in school

WyldWyldStallyns4 karma


WyldWyldStallyns2 karma

I've been a programmer for about 8 years. If you have a CS degree you will definitely get interviews and if you're not a complete weirdo and can pass a basic coding test those interviews will become job offers. Depending on the city could be 6 figure but you will make at least 60k as a Junior Developer. Use a site like indeed or angel and find companies that are hiring with languages you want to work with, then go to their websites and apply there. Just your resume is fine, tech companies never even read cover letters so I stopped doing that a while ago with no decrease in responses.

WyldWyldStallyns1 karma
