Highest Rated Comments

Wretschko605 karma

Did you have to overcome any bureaucratic hurdles, i.e. local/county/state approval? I'm asking because I thought that a lot of PUCs passed regulations prohibiting competition and giving monopolies to the Big Players. I'm looking at you, Arizona Corporation Commission and Cox, you bastards.

Wretschko88 karma

I'm not shocked at all.

In the garage of my house, there's a vent to the outside. A Gatorade bottle is visible in between the interior and exterior vent covers but wasn't immediately noticeable when we moved in. Whoever installed the vent covers clearly gave zero fucks about a Gatorade bottle in between.

It's still there. Now you're making me wonder if it was full of piss too.

*Cue "OPEN THE SAFE!" music*

Wretschko53 karma

Those in the Deaf community who are against cochlear implants are a vocal minority (pun intended) these days.

Yes, the original outrage against cochlear implant in the 1980s was so strong even the National Association of the Deaf publicly came out against it. But today, even the NAD has reversed its stance as have many others.

The reason is that as others have pointed out, being Deaf isn't a physical disability to them, it's being a part of a uniquely distinct culture with its own formally recognized language.

That's why some Deaf people still are upset when medical professional and the public perceive their deafness as something that needs to be fixed while completely ignoring the language/cultural aspects. To doctors and the public, it's a pathological condition that needs to be corrected yet they totally ignore the language and cultural aspects of being Deaf.

Please note there's a difference between one who is Deaf and one who is deaf. The former identifies linguistically and culturally with the Deaf community while the latter simply identifies one as being incapable of hearing and do not associate with the Deaf community.

Wretschko37 karma

As soon as I saw your post, I said to myself "It has to be Ghyslain!"

And then I went all Obi-Wan: " Now there's a name I've not heard in a long, long time. A long time."