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WorksWork59 karma

Have you ever considered doing a MST3K type show for TV shows rather than movies?

WorksWork24 karma

Cool. And yeah, that makes sense. I'd say it would only work if it was maybe 1 episode from each series. Or maybe you could do 4 part episodes like the old Dr Whos and do 4 different episodes from one series and then move on. But yeah, I have no idea about the logistics behind that. Thanks.

WorksWork11 karma

Was it in Joe Rogan's?

WorksWork11 karma

Use "The Internet" as a hardware competitor to Chromebooks. It'd look something like this.

WorksWork5 karma

I never watched it as a kid, but I found and enjoyed Connections well into my 20's (less than a decade ago), but I guess I watched a decent amount of documentaries beforehand too.

The Secret Life of Machines is another somewhat similar documentary (more focused on explaining the principles of machines rather than their history though). Has some nice humor (or humour) in it too.