Highest Rated Comments

Wooshio22 karma

Or maybe its just not a game for you? If exploring a huge universe full of different planets and discovering alien Flora & Fauna does not excite you, then you shouldn't even be considering it, gameplay is not the main draw, its exploration. You will get some basic shooting and a basic flight physics, but the meat of the game will be about exploring, if you want an in depth space fighting or trading simulator then there are already plenty of space sims focusing on that. But none that do what this game will.

Wooshio8 karma

Can you explain the feathers? I read somewhere that the more accomplished you are, the more you are given to wear? Or are they worn now days just for decoration?

Wooshio5 karma

Do you still find time to play games your self? If so what game are you currently enjoying the most?

Wooshio3 karma

How did viking society deal with crime? Did they have any type of system? Also did some type of prisons exist or were people just outcast or killed?

Wooshio3 karma

I also have friends who spend much more time watching twitch and let's plays then actually playing games, so it's not just you. It's an interesting phenomenon.