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Woknblues85 karma

Have you seen the documentary Icarus and what do you make of the situation regarding allowing Russia to compete in any international sports competition, much less the Olympics, and do you actually believe that the IOC is anything more than a puppet of Global geopolotical financial self interest?

Woknblues18 karma

I'm very interested in this topic as well. I'd like to see more of this type of care being offered.

From a nursing perspective, ensure that you have a designated power of attorney usually, first, the husband and the wife, then a designated person when either or both become incompetent, a Healthcare advanced directive to determine how far reaching life saving measures are taken, and a LST (life saving therapies) document for first responders so they don't start doing it if that isn't desired.

Source: inpatient Telemetry nurse and emergency room nurse. We crush ribs of 98 year olds and fill them full of lines, meds and intubate all the time. The horrified family then spends agonizing hours of hand wringing, or waiting for 97 year old aunt Bessie to come to say good bye to the completely gorked and intubated person.

Don't be that family. Also Protip : if your loved one is dying, encourage the use of morphine if available. It puts your loved one at ease, and they will pass peacefully.

Woknblues11 karma

That's great. I appreciate your candor and understand the limitations that you must have in response to this line of questioning.

It would be wonderful to have an even playing field with the focus on athletics, sportsmanship and goodwill vs money and power.

Best of luck!

Woknblues4 karma

You could have also been immunosuppressed on high dose steroids and susceptible to other illnesses brought in by others