Highest Rated Comments

WisconsinPENN8 karma

This entire thread hits way too close to home. I was very close friends with a heroin and opiate (oxy) addict. The oxy led to snorting heroin. I put so much time, so much emotion, so much work and trust into that relationship.... we are no longer friends or speaking. Too many lies.

WisconsinPENN3 karma

I don't think he truly cares one way or the other. Which is why he'll probably never be fully clean... because he doesn't want to be. We parted ways about 10 months ago and I'm somewhat and sadly surprised he's still alive. It's been such a hard journey to try to disassociate myself from him, because I loved him very much and sort of still do. But he did put heroin as his top priority... it became him. Although there is still incredible animosity on my part that I'm trying to work past, I do wish him well.