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WhoIsZac3 karma

Hey, Tim, I appreciate you doing this AMA. I've been doing open mics for almost two years, so you're a few steps ahead of me. Here are some questions (I apologize if some are terribly generic, but I'm genuinely interested):

  1. What made you start doing stand up? Were you the class clown, a long time comedy lover, a guy who just decided to give it a shot on a whim, a combination of some/all of the above, none of the above, etc?

  2. What's your writing process like? Do you work most of your ideas out on stage or do you work it out on paper first?

  3. How do you make open mics feel productive to you? The majority of the ones in my city (Denver) are your standard "nothing but comics who aren't paying attention" setup, so it's hard not to feel like I'm wasting my time going to them.

  4. I went through a pretty major breakup a couple months ago and it, combined with the aforementioned open mics, has killed all my desire to go out and do comedy at the moment. How do you push yourself to go out and put in the stage time that is needed, even when you just don't "feel" it?

  5. What's your "plan" for comedy? Do you plan to try to scratch out a living solely from stand up or do you think you'll combine it with something like writing for a show?

  6. What was it like moving up to host/feature? When did you know you were "ready" or did you kind of fall into it?

  7. How many sets do you average a week?

Again, I appreciate you doing this. I've enjoyed your tweets and standupshots for a long time, so it's cool to be able to pick your brain. I might have a few more questions later, depending on how much actions this AMA sees.

WhoIsZac1 karma

What was it like to get to hang out with all those otters?