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WhiteRiceWill7 karma

Not new to reddit. Honestly, my thinking was that I could I could do an AMA and answer some questions related to how are I learned to program, and also get some feedback on my site. Had no idea that this many people would end up seeing this AMA. I'm a newer programmer and know that I have so so much to learn. I clearly came across as sounding like I had it all figured out (which of course I don't). I'm going to delete this now as my intention was never to mislead anybody.

WhiteRiceWill3 karma

I can't speak to this too much as I have only been doing this since last year, but u/FatherStorm is right. The landscape is constantly in a state of change. Just last year when I was picking a front-end library, Angular was going out of style a bit and React was becoming more trendy. Now Vue.js is the hottest framework. At the end of the day they will all get the job done though so don't feel too much pressure to always know the latest library. Just keep a learning mindset and always be tinkering and experimenting with new tools and platforms.

Edit: correct username

WhiteRiceWill3 karma

I'm still going to go through and answer a bunch of the questions from people who were interested in learning to code, and hopefully help a couple of people out. Crazy that it hit the front page. Didn't realize that!

WhiteRiceWill3 karma

You are right about updates. We are moving over to event-based updates in the near future. This is our first version and it has been in beta for 5 days, so there are a bunch of things like that that we will do to increase efficiency. Also, it does send and receives updates 10 times per second then the client smooths out the other frames in-between, so not sure about why you are getting every frame. Really appreciate your feedback on this. If you have any more suggestions, I would love to hear. Have bookmarked your game and will check it out later!

WhiteRiceWill2 karma

No worries at all. Despite this not going exactly how I planned, I've gotten a ton of super useful feedback and am still going to go through and answer a bunch of the questions from people who are thinking about learning to code.