Highest Rated Comments

WhereisAlexGulikers82 karma

What's a surefire way to beat you in a fight?

WhereisAlexGulikers15 karma

Yes. Especially when they've been eating blueberries. Delicious.

WhereisAlexGulikers2 karma

Your portrayal of Gabriel Gray/Sylar in Heroes made you my favorite television villain ever. Do you plan on undertaking more sociopath villain roles like that in the future?

WhereisAlexGulikers1 karma

My jiu jitsu coach is from Brazil so I'm very familiar with the accent.. But I can't imagine and Brazilian-Irish accent. Any chance you guys could make a video so we can hear how your English is coming along? Obrigado!

WhereisAlexGulikers1 karma

Are you worried for your safety?