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WeenieHutJr3 karma

hi! ive significantly lost the bulk of my falsetto in the past few years. i know i should get a teacher but its not in the budget at the moment. any tips on opening up my falsetto?

WeenieHutJr2 karma

i am deathly afraid of singing in front of other people, yet i consider myself a singer ( lol )

clearly you are FAR past any fear of singing in front of others, but was that ever something you had to get over? im not talking so much about being off key or messing up but the soul bearing vulnerability of singing. was there ever a turning point where something changed and you were confident in sharing your gift?

WeenieHutJr1 karma

thank you !!!! another question : have you ever heard of / used the linklater technique? if so any thoughts about it?

WeenieHutJr-4 karma

hows it feel to be born into a wealth family ?