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Wavy_Gravy_Official44 karma

Once upon a time, Jerry was arriving late to a shoreline amphitheater concert when he ran into me in an iridescent costume illuminated by a portable black light and he thought he was hallucinating and rolled over backwards causing the producer to scream, "Dont give my headliner a heart attack"!

Wavy_Gravy_Official27 karma

I was a flavor for 8 years. All of the royalties went to send economically challenged parents to Camp Winnarainbow. When Ben and Jerry went public, they sold all stock to bedrock Vermonters, who immediately sold out to a Dutch corporation to Unilever, who immediately sold my flavor for not being cost effective. (imported Hazel Nuts). Ms Gravy knew I was not cost effective all along.

Wavy_Gravy_Official23 karma

Absolutely. The Prankster changed the culture by driving ac across the country in these painted buses. That was something no one had ever seen before. It was like the universe on wheels.

I think that psychotropics should be available to any ADULTS with psychiatrist spirit guide to help them over the rough patches on the quest to enlightenment.

back in the day this was applicable for Henry Luce, the publisher of Life magazine, as he was pictured conducting an orchestra of daffodils in his garden, Psychiatric at the ready.

Wavy_Gravy_Official20 karma

Absolutely! We were given this mountaintop rent free if we would tend to 50 hogs the size of a davenport. One of which we later ran for president. She was the first female black and white candidate for that high office. On Saturday nights, we would go to the shrine auditorium and do light shows for all the great bands of the 60s. On Sundays, we would have a free show on our mountaintop with different themes. Kite Sunday, no wind until night time. Mud Sunday, it poured..who could slide in the mud the furthest! The hog rodeo where we painted these giant pigs with temper paint and rode around on them, we showed film of this to Salvador Dali in Paris. He loved the hog rodeo. Many pictures and stories are in my first book the Hog Farm and Friends and beautifully documented in Avant Garde magazine back in the day.

Oh yes, Charlie Manson was no friend of mine and was asked to leave which he did. Thank heavens!


Wavy_Gravy_Official19 karma

We are currently registering the children of the children who have come to camp. Once again, it gives me nostalgia for the future.