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WaveyLAD1 karma

Currently making my way into medicine. Epidemiology is something I’m considering in specialising in. Just curious what made you choose this speciality? What’s your day to day like? What sort of patients are you seeing? What’s the most interesting case you’ve worked on?

Thanks in advance!

WaveyLAD1 karma

Will do! How come you decided to go down this route and not a more patient contact role?

WaveyLAD1 karma

Hi, just wanted to say great work so far! I work in a Paeds ED and we often do bloods for your study on top of our normal bloods and I speak often with our research nurse about this study! So it’s pretty cool to see an ama about something I’ve indirectly helped and been apart of!

My question is(and in layman’s terms please I’m still only a medical student) is the idea to build a giant “database” of the types of exact infection that is causing the fever that could then be cross referenced in the path lab or something that would be able to be used in our department that could give us a quick result? i.e practically speaking how would this work in clinical medicine?

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!