Highest Rated Comments

WaterintheFridge177 karma

Right from the title of the post you should be anticipating an ad. It's not a click bait title trying to trick you into reading an ad. It's clear as day what this is.

This guy is out here hustling and promoting a business that helps every day workers try a premium service that they might not otherwise have an opportunity to. Im hoping to go on a nice vacation once this covid mess is over and completely forgot this type of service existed. I'm glad he made this post. I found that idea interesting and I wanted to learn a bit more. So I clicked the post.

If reading an ad upset you so much you felt the need to bitch and complain about it in the comments then you shouldn't of clicked. You're not even making an argument or trying to start a conversion. You just clicked something you knew was an ad to complain about it being an ad. Give your head a shake

Now that my little rant is over I do have a question: Is there a region you specialize in (i.e. within europe) or are you constantly looking all over the place?

Also thanks for the post. I found this interesting, informative and it's motivating me to start thinking about my next adventure