Highest Rated Comments

Warvair11 karma

Have you ever had face-to-face discussions with members with the 1% and asked them what they thought about the income/wealth gap, and what they thought should be done, if anything? If so, what did they say?

Warvair8 karma

I just want to say I've been a big fan for years and I think I enjoy your writing the most when you provide the perspective of other species/aliens.

Keep up the good work!

Warvair8 karma

Well, that makes sense, but it doesn't address the gap. I wonder what he would say if, in order for them to have more money, he would have to make/have less.

Warvair3 karma

If you compared the graph of politically aware/active Americans or the graph of their political stance to the graph of American income/wealth, what do you think each would show?

Warvair3 karma

What are your thoughts about whether "mutually assured destruction" is much of a deterrent when there are people in positions of power who might be interested in starting their religion's "end times"?