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WarCollegeWarmonger15 karma

What are your views on open carry? I know you've done videos on the dangers of it without a retention holster, and I wouldn't advise it either, but do you think it can be an effective form of self defence or do you think people should always conceal?

WarCollegeWarmonger11 karma

I agree.

WarCollegeWarmonger3 karma

Make sure that you pressure test whatever art you do in unscripted sparring, though. Krav Maga can be good if there's some form of live resistance training, but running through drills with compliant partners does not prepare someone for a real fight where the opponent doesn't behave predictably.

This is why even sports with loads of rules like boxing can help a bit. They train to fight against resisting opponents who don't behave predictably, so improvisation is necessary.