Highest Rated Comments

WantedDead109 karma

Sounds like your facility is very forward thinking. I am particularly gratified to hear that medication is not forced. Would that all facilities employed similar guidelines.

WantedDead8 karma

Really? Mine always said it was the anesthetic you use to ignore your wounds because you don't want to deal with them just yet.

WantedDead4 karma

That has, in my experience, been the basis for the institutionalization of evil practices: Everyone saying they're just doing their jobs.

It would be interesting to read an article on the compartmentalization of jobs, and fear of standing up, being employed in private and public sectors to ensure compliance with orders and policy from an organization's higher ups.

Lots of people went to their executions saying they were just following orders. Odd that we as a society haven't learned from it.

WantedDead4 karma

I've often thought that someone who is suicidal and, for example, going to shoot themselves, might not react terribly well to find law enforcement knocking on their door. Do you know of any instances in which responding police were attacked or fired upon by persons threatening suicide?

WantedDead3 karma

Anti-depressants are a bit of a misnomer to my mind. The most common serotonin re-uptake inhibitors can be hit or miss since a person may be depressed without having any problem with their serotonin levels. The same with tri-cyclic anti-depressants and the kind that mess with dopamine levels.

It puts me in mind of giving a person medication to raise their blood pressure when what you really need to do is stop their bleeding.

Dunno if that makes any sense.