Highest Rated Comments

WafflingToast28 karma

I occasionally have input into fire house designs. Any particular insights? Nice to have ____ , not enough room for _____ , or don't bother with ____?

WafflingToast18 karma

Well, thanks for this. Especially the ball pit.

WafflingToast1 karma

Just anecdotally knowing some SV area people, it feels like VCs are open to hearing pitches/occasionally investing in start ups from college drop outs but they all make damn sure that their own kids finish college.

WafflingToast1 karma

How were you treated in SV (by non-Theranos involved individuals) during your investigation vs after the book came out? Are they annoyed that some of the VC mystique is gone? Frustrated that due diligence and investor money will be harder to come by? Filled with schadenfreude?

Also, what do you think it means for women in SV?