Highest Rated Comments

WTFOutOfUsernames1692 karma

many Koreans are huge gamers, are you? What are your favorites?

WTFOutOfUsernames117 karma

I'm not sure how male hormones work, but once I became a father my sensitivity went through the roof. Sad movie? Cry. Sentimental commercial? Cry. I also now unconsciously wave at every child who smiles at me on the street. Before my son was born I could count on one hand the number of times I'd cried from adolescence onward. To be honest I like this version of me much better.

WTFOutOfUsernames99 karma

if you look at the pics in reverse order it looks like Benjamin Button moved in next to a Cheesecake Factory.

WTFOutOfUsernames81 karma

Cuntpuncherlocal was already taken?

WTFOutOfUsernames75 karma

For $200 you can.