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WJWade4 karma

Thank you for doing this, Dr. Farmer! I signed up with Reddit just for this! After reading "Mountains Beyond Mountains" I have fallen in love with your work and dedication. I was educated through Kidder's explantion of you describing the difference in "managing resources" versus having well-manage health care, and your specific example of Cuba. What can the US learn about healthcare from Cuba? What would your "fix" be for the US healthcare system?

WJWade2 karma

Thank you, as this was extremely insightful! Even though I am a student, I try to give as much as I can to PIH, and hope I can do some work with PIH as a mental health practitioner one day. Thank you again!

WJWade1 karma

Another question for you, Dr. Paul! Thank you again for doing this!

My best-friend, a medical doctor who went to Haiti after reading your book, has inspired me to dedicate more of my work to poor communities. I am a Black male who is pursuing a master's in clinical mental health counseling and another master's in career counseling; also working on a clinical addictions specialist licensure as well. Right now I volunteer doing tutoring services in a local section-8 community, but I want to do so much more... I just have no idea where or how to start. Two questions from this:

(1) What suggestions would you have for someone like me, with a mental health background, who wants to work directly with poor communities?

(2) The problem I see is helping to support my own family while doing this work (my wife does work, too). What do you suggest for overcoming this obstacle of wanting to make a difference but needing basics (not luxury) for a family?