Highest Rated Comments

WBGamesMontreal_Eric215 karma

Well spotted! We invested a bunch of time into making criminals being punched sound like justice.

WBGamesMontreal_Eric70 karma

You asked - EXCLUSIVE REVEAL - Alfred is the 8th assassin!

WBGamesMontreal_Eric49 karma

Picture yourself being creeped over by a contortionist dude in a snakesuit, then compare the lady version - question answered.

WBGamesMontreal_Eric48 karma

Hand farts.

WBGamesMontreal_Eric44 karma

You just.... wait... and why is your favourite colour black?

Deathstroke is a peer to Batman. It's something I always loved about him - he thinks the same way. He has similar strengths and weaknesses. He can use any weapon that comes to hand - go beyond the limits Batman places on himself. And he has that incredibly distinctive and cool 50/50 mask with the ties which show his motion.

FWIW first faceoff I ever read between the two was CITY OF ASSASSINS, which is also a name for an achievement in our game! Who doesn't love Mike Zeck!