Highest Rated Comments

Vyzantinist188 karma

Hi, Kat. Have you ever considered doing more homeless advocacy? What exactly about Reggie's story drew you to his plight?

Reggie: you have great artistic skills! How do you feel about the potential exposure from all this?

I gotta say, as a homeless guy just down the road in Tucson, your friendship is certainly inspiring!

Vyzantinist33 karma

This is very true. I used to run a shelter for homeless veterans, many of whom were battling substance abuse and mental health issues (depression, anxiety, PTSD). One of our policies was giving residents jobs; keeping busy would help them with addiction problems and PTSD.

Vyzantinist13 karma

my body reacts by getting shaky

The worst thing for me is when my head begins to wobble. Hands/arms you can interlink, or hide under a table or in your lap, but when you're trying to appear to be still and your head is shaking....frustrating, scary, irritating.

Vyzantinist9 karma

Thanks for answering! It sounds like you've got a solid endgame in sight! :)