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Volunteerta8 karma

That is the hardest part. Knowing there will be no relief for them. I know hardly any of them get visitors, so I think it's the least I can do to visit them.

Hell, half the time they think they know me. Like I'm their granddaughter, daughter, friend, etc. I just go right along with it.

If I had a dollar for every time I have got called a different name..

Volunteerta8 karma

Oh jeez, there are so many strange questions I get asked. I'll categorize them.

The cutest was when an older man kept asking me to get him a phone and a phone charger because he "needs to be on call" and that he would be there for me if I needed him, so the least I can do is get him a phone.

The strangest question would probably be if I "saw the little boy under the refrigerator"

The strangest request would probably be if I could eat his dinner for him because they are trying to poison him, and it needs to look like he ate it.

Volunteerta8 karma

Honestly if it is for their benefit, I would agree. If the person doesn't want to live because they are in so much pain and suffering, it is okay in my opinion.

Volunteerta7 karma

Only one time a woman grabbed my arm. She did it because I was helping another patient and I heard her saying something behind me but I knew it was just gibberish so I didn't pay her any mind. I guess she thought what she was saying was very important and grabbed the back of my arm pretty hard and yelled for me to listen to her.

It was weird because the next week she was super nice and I talked to her for about an hour.

Volunteerta6 karma

Yeah, I just go along with whatever they're doing/saying and I usually milk the shit out of it. Telling them otherwise wouldn't help them at all and probably make them upset.