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Vogon_Poet43 karma

"leading to more accidents"

That's kind of the beauty of a roundabout though. IF there is an accident, it's rarely devastating because a roundabout all but eliminates the probability of a head on collision (most deadly). Also, they're safer for pedestrians because they only need to pay notice to one direction of traffic.

Also, although I haven't got any statistics to back me up, I do remember hearing that overall accident rates in roundabouts are far lower than traditional intersections.

Vogon_Poet2 karma

I'm interested in learning more about the kind of structural economic changes needed to make this happen. It's fairly easy to see how this could be more easily be implemented at companies that make or produce consumer products, but much harder to see how it would work without fundamental change of industries that deal in service or information-based consulting.

Most salaried consultants sell their time in one form or another. A classic example is a lawyer, who will typically pass on an hourly rate to their client- but this group includes all kinds of consultants across the white collar field (engineers, accountants, developers, advertisers, designers, etc.). In fact, I would suggest that the majority of white collar jobs listed under "Employer Type" on the 4 day week website, are presently built around hours-based revenue models.

The entire industry would need to shift away from hours-based accounting and towards a productivity-based payment model (lump-sum/fixed fee contracts). The biggest piece that could drive this shift would be a major change in the way government contracts (at all levels) are procured.

Vogon_Poet1 karma

Just worth pointing out (to others who may read this) that your mileage may vary- combining Sprint and T-Mobile coverage is typically exceptional in urban hubs, less so in more rural areas. I'm testing fi near a major city and coverage is very very good- WiFi calling as a backup is icing on the cake.

But to be honest, the most appealing thing has been the low cost and completely transparent and non-predatory pricing setup.