Highest Rated Comments

VisGal69 karma

I've had rabbits my entire life and the misinformation about small animal care is frustrating.

Mostly, I hate that they're offered as "starter pets" for young kids. It creates all kinds of problems (mishandling which leads to biting which leads to rehoming ...if they're lucky).

Animals are not disposable.

On behalf of the four stray bunnies I have picked up from the side of the road and took in, THANK YOU so much for doing what you do, it must be a labor of love and it brought a tear to my eye :)

Hamlet looks like a sweet guy. I like his eyes.

VisGal6 karma

If you're interested in a pole workout without the heels, look into Chinese Pole or heck, even silks, rope and straps.

I do silks and it definitely gets you ripped in a hurry. Even more so with straps- the people who do them are so amazingly badass and beastly. So strong.

VisGal2 karma

Ry, can you tell me about mustached dogs... Where do they fit in here? Favorite Asian noodle shape/ size? Sloths.... two or three toed? Lastly, can you do a creme brule with "the pots"?