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Vinto4725 karma

I’m not sure if the UCR has stats on resisting arrest specifically, but over 50,000 officers are assaulted every year so killing a suspect who is resisting is not a routine occurrence.


Vinto477 karma

Prosecutors can still bring a defendant forward at a grand jury hearing to testify, usually it’s because the GJ wants to hear from the defendant.

Vinto475 karma

She married a professional chef and does most of the cooking; that’s true love if I’ve ever seen it! 😂

Vinto472 karma

Nearly a fifth of the people shot — 156 — were unarmed; no gun, no knife, no vehicle. And half of those were black, in a state where blacks make up just 15 percent of the population. That means unarmed black people were nearly eight times as likely to be shot by police than whites.

Why do you not adjust for rates at which crimes are committed?

Vinto472 karma

That’s not worth noting and you’re comparing bullshit stats for a faulty comparison at best.

Worth noting would be that more officers were shot and injured than the total number killed by police. Even more officers were injured by cutting weapons, and multiple times more officers were injured by other weapons than were shot and killed by police.
